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Company LAW – Index

Table of Content: Unit I - Introduction 1.1 – Introduction; definition, silent features of the company, Act 2013 1.2 – Formation of company, stages of formation 1.3 - Promoters, Functions of promoter, Duties and liabilities of promoter, 1.4 -Types of company Unit II Incorporation of company 2.1– Incorporation of company 2.2 – Prospectus of the company 2.3– MOA of company 2.4– Article of the company Unit III Share capital of the company 3.1 – Share capital of the company, Types of share and debenture 3.2 – Issue of shares, Allotment, calls and forfeiture share 3.3 – Transfer & transmission of share 3.4-Share certificate and share warrant UNIT IV - SECURITIES MARKET: ­4.1- Brief history of Stock Exchange, Study of functions of BSE and NSE 4.2- Stock Exchanges and its importance. 4.3 - Primary Market and Secondary Market: Components of Primary Markets 4.4 - D-Mat Account: Definition and Procedure. UNIT V COMPANY SECRETARY AND COMPANY MEETING

हिन्दी - सत्र षष्ठ

अनुक्रमणिका   आधारभूत पाठ्यक्रम   १.       आंगन का पंछी - विद्यानिवास मिश्र   २.      देशाटन - ड ॉ . गोविन्दलाल छाबड़ा   ३.      अर्थव्यवस्था में उपभोक्ता की भूमिका - ड ॉ . बापूराव देसाई   ४.      विज्ञापन की कला - गुलाबराय   ५.      आशा , विश्वास , अन्यथा , कष्ट और क्षमा - शरद जोशी ६.      गपशप - नामवर सिंह भाषागत पाठ्यक्रम   १.       स्वामी विवेकानंद – प्रेमचंद   २.      मेरी जीत - यशपाल   ३.      पढ़ाई - जैनेन्द्र कुमार   ४.      जंगल - चित्रा मुद्गल   ५.      गौरैया को तो गुस्सा नहीं आता - दामोदर खड़से   ६.      भक्तिन - महादेवी वर्मा ७.      बहू की विदा - विनोद रस्तोगी ८.      उखड़े खंभे - हरिशंकर परसाई ९.      बकु ल ! फिर आना - मालती जोशी १०.    पर्यावरण प्रदूषण : समस्या मनोजगत् की - विवेकी राय कविता   १.      खोने को पाने आये हो - माखनलाल च

e-Commerce - II - Index

Table of Contents Unit I: Internet-commerce Business Models: Social media model, advertising model, retail model, hybrid model, merchant model, informational model, drop-shipping model and revenue model. Unit II: B2C InternetMarketing Meaning of online marketing or internet marketing, online marketing strategies, marketing channels, internet branding, online publishing and advertising. Unit III: B2B OnlineMarketing Use of internet-based electronic data interchange (EDI), Benefits of online marketing in B2B e-commerce, procurement reengineering, just in time delivery, online marketing issues. Unit IV: E-governance: Meaning of e-governance and e-government, Objectives of E-governance, Private sector interface in E-Governance, Concepts of government to Business (G2B), Business to Government (B2G), Citizen to Government (C2G) Unit V: E-GovernanceModels Application of Internet EDI in E-governance, E-governance in India, E-Governance Models, Comparative Analysis M

Economics of Development - Index

Table of Contents Unit 1 Economic Development Click Here 1.1 Economic Underdevelopment: Concept, Definition and Indicators 1.2 Economic Development: Concept, Definition and Indicators 1.3 Economic Growth: Concept, Definition and Indicators 1.4 Economic Development V/s Economic Growth Unit 2 Economic Growth Models Click Here 2.1Harrod&Domer model 2.2 Classical theories of Development: Adam Smith & David Ricardo 2.3 Karl Marx Theory of Development 2.4 Schumpeter and Capitalistic Development Unit 3 Economic Growth Models Click Here 3.1Vicious Circle of Poverty 3.2GurnarMirdals Theory of Circular Causation 3.3Lewis theory of Unlimited Supplies of Labour 3.4Big Push Theory of Development Unit 4 Growth: Balanced & Unbalanced Click Here 4.1Balanced Growth: Concept, Essentials and criticisms, Rodan’s Approach 4.2 Duseanbari Effect, Prof. Nerks Approach of Balanced Growth 4.3 Unbalanced Economic Growth: Concept, Nature and Princi