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Interview Question: Economics

Interview Questions (Continued...)


What do you mean by monopolistic competition?

Monopolistic competition characterizes an industry in which many firms offer products or services that are similar, but not perfect substitutes. Barriers to entry and exit in a monopolistic competitive industry are low, and the decisions of any one firm do not directly affect those of its competitors.

What is oligopoly in economics?

Oligopoly markets are markets dominated by a small number of suppliers. They can be found in all countries and across a broad range of sectors. Some oligopoly markets are competitive, while others are significantly less so, or can at least appear that way.

What is perfect competition in simple words?

perfect competition is a type of market form in which there are many companies that sell the same product or service and no one has enough market power to be able to set prices on the product or service without losing business.


Depletion method

Depletion is an accrual accounting technique used to allocate the cost of extracting natural resources such as timber, minerals, and oil from the earth. Like depreciation and amortization, depletion is a non-cash expense that lowers the cost value of an asset incrementally through scheduled charges to income.

Time liabilities & demand liabilities:

Time liabilities refer to the liabilities which the commercial banks are liable to repay to the customers after an agreed period, (FD) and demand liabilities are customer deposits which are repayable on demand (saving account)



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